Monday 5 August 2019

Top 10 Secrets of excellence in study and exams

Any student can become successful and superior and one of the best students in the school by following these simple and easy ways to learn new foreign vocabulary, successful discussion methods and the quickest ways to accomplish homework.

1. Desire to excel: The student must have the desire to be one of the best students of the school, otherwise it may not succeed in achieving excellence among his colleagues.

2. Classifying materials: Students should classify their subjects, know their strengths and weaknesses, and draw up a list that distinguishes between materials that may be good, intermediate, or bad.

3. Detecting weaknesses: If the student is not good in English, for example, he should repeat the review of lessons at home and solve the jobs and homework again. If he does not understand any of the issues at hand, the best thing to do in this case is to ask the teacher or teacher at school about what he did not understand.

4. Preparation of lessons in advance: If the student wants to improve his oral performance in the classroom, he has to look at the lessons ahead and take an idea and prepare as much as possible in advance, before the teacher and discussed by students in class, so that the student is able to discuss. Students should not worry if they say something wrong during the discussion. What is important is to participate in oral discussions.

5. Review weaknesses in separate cards: For learning new foreign vocabulary or exercises or information where the level of the student is medium or bad, he should write them individually on cards and to review and repeat them constantly so that he can learn. He should not start this one day before the exam, but must take advantage of the time before the exam.

6. Repetition daily: In order to effectively learn new foreign vocabulary, for example, a student must learn ten vocabulary every day and review daily what he learned before he is entrenched in his mind, and start early in this learning process because it takes a long time.

7. Examine the extent to which information is in the mind: If the student is asked nine times at a time apart from the meaning of a single word or a foreign word, for example, he knew and gave a correct answer each time, it can be assumed that this information will remain in his mind for a long time.

8. Reclining table helps focus: While solving homework and homework, make sure that the student's desk or table is neat, elegant and devoid of distractions that may distract the mind and decrease focus.

9. Rest is important for stimulation and rejuvenation: It is very important that the student take a break from time to time while performing homework, or read something different from the subject of homework.

10. Do not forget homework: Write notes on homework homework that the student has not yet done so as not to forget over time, so as not to affect the lack of achievement at the level of the student.

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