Tuesday 25 June 2019

Training is more useful for a successful life or environment

The minister was made of life, Poor was not listening to it, after long-term intercourse, Poor raised the head,
Yes, what do you say?
The minister started telling the hand couple...

One month ago, our king-in-law suddenly questioned that training is more useful for success or environment?
One of my counterpart ministers said that there was a feeling of joy! Training
While I, said Sir! The environment is more important than training

King looked at us with gratitude and said, "Both of you will have to prove your answer in practice, which cannot prove its head will be punished, and for him we give a month's respite."
Both of them started looking for a practical interpretation of my answer, I was thinking about being crazy about thinking but nothing was understandable. After 24 days, my counterpart minister suddenly signed permission to execute my death, while he was allowed to prove his answer in a courtesy, when he got permission, he stood firmly in front of him it came to pass that all the emperors including the king were breathing in the cave, From the door of the Court, 10 cats for the plates in the mouth, which were burnt candles, went out in a row and went away from the other door of the Court, neither the plates fall nor the candles, Responding to praise and thanksgiving slogans, My counterpart looked at the king and said, Holy! It is all the training that has made the animal addicted to this discipline, the king looked at me.
I saw my death in front of me I came out of the Court. Then a person took your name that you could have the solution to my problem, I reached here after 2 days, there are 4 days left of the given period, now my decision is in your hand, Faqir bowed head and said back to the king and tell the king that on the 30th day, you will prove to be the utility of the environment, But I'll never do this. The minister said, in the last days, I will come to court. Faqir said heading
The minister went back to the state of disappointment and anxiety.
It was the last day of the appointed period. It was full of fear that the heart of the minister was shouting loudly. The eyes of everybody stood up again and again, that suddenly a person who was in a hurry took a bag of short goods and entered the Court. Look at the king and speak, the time is low. I have to go back to tell the minister to present the proof of training utility, after a while, the other minister took a stroke and again resumed the same scene. The whole crowd was watching this scene
stop breathing with the hopeful view of the poor man.
When the cats arrive in the middle of the Court, the Poor man come forward and turn of the bag in the middle of them, healthy mice got out of the bag and started running in the court, As soon as the cats saw the mice opened the mouth, the plates and candles were shattered. Everywhere got ridiculous, Cats jumping people lab behind the mice, People started bouncing on the chairs All the Court system was disturb. Faqir looked at the king, saying, "You should train as much as any kind of sex, if you do not give it a good environment, then training will lose its effect somewhere." Training for a successful role as well as better environment is very important, before the King stops Faqir was out of the court. 
This story concludes that only the training of the teacher is not the perception of the children, but parents want to create such a situation in the homes that help the children learn and they can succeed.