Wednesday 11 April 2018

Free Hand Curve Method

 Method of free Hand Curve:-

Plot the given date on a graph paper and join the plotted points by means of a straight line. Observe the up and down movements on the graph and draw a straight line freehand passing through the plotted points in a way such that the general direction of change in values is indicated. The trend values for the given periods can be read from the graph.
for further detail please watch this video......

Friday 6 April 2018

Analysis of time series

Analysis of time series:-
The analysis of time series consists of description and measurement of various changes or movements as they appear in series during a period of time.
Components of time series:-
                                                            The variation in time series are due to a large number of causes but in general the variation a decomposed into four components these are given below.
i.              Secular Trend.
ii.            Cyclical movements.
iii.           Seasonal variation.
iv.           Irregular or accidental variation.
for further detail...... watch this video .....